DOJ Action? Not So Fast, People!

According to The New York Times, “Federal prosecutors have substantially widened their Jan. 6 investigation to examine the possible culpability of a broad range of figures involved in former President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, people familiar with the inquiry said on Wednesday. … The federal investigation initially focused largely on the rioters who had entered the Capitol, an effort that has led to more than 700 arrests. But the Justice Department appears to have moved into a new phase, seeking information about people more closely tied to Mr. Trump. This development comes amid growing political pressure on Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to move more aggressively on the case.”

Don’t get sanguine, people. I’m not sure that I trust the veracity of the reporting and the extent to which this investigation has turned. I’m not saying the reporters are lying, but this appears only to be a small step in the right direction. Oh, sure. I do not doubt that the DOJ is nibbling at the next rung up the ladder but don’t expect this investigation to lead ultimately to traitor trump. I think that’s where people start getting ahead of themselves over the possibility that traitor trump will get led away in a perp walk. That ain’t never going to happen. As I have said over and over and over and over again, the Mueller Report detailed ten crimes traitor trump committed, yet AG Garrand has completely ignored those facts directly in front of him. So, why am I to believe he’s interested in discovering more facts that lead to traitor trump’s criminality? Yeah, enough said! No matter what, remember my First Axiom: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever.

Sorry, but I am not yet ready — and it will take far, far more to convince me — to believe the DOJ is doing anything meaningful to save America’s democracy, for in the end — indicted traitor trump or not — preserving the rule of law is ultimately about saving our country. People may accuse me of damning Garland if he does and damning him if he doesn’t. There could be some truth to that, but the only way Garland redeems himself is to start investigating traitor trump from the beginning. It’s the Mueller Report, stupid! It’s the crimes that lead to traitor trump’s first impeachment, not just his last. Christ! Only in f***ing America does one need to reference the first and last impeachments of a president! Welcome to stupid America. We get the government we deserve.