Don’t Worry About the Latest Traitor [T]rump Tape: It Changes Nothing and No One Cares, Least of All RepubliKKKlans!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! More proof that traitor trump is still trying to steal the 2020 election while the death count from SARS 2 climbs daily by thousands! Not to mention at length the disasterous vacination rollout. Did I not say it was only going to get worse? Did I not! (And we’re not done yet!) Here we are with a recording of traitor trump basically extorting the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” votes to reverse the election because of conspiracy theories and lies, but what the f*** else is new? Nothing. A trump stupid America proves itself! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons believe him and they are in lockstep while dumbass Democrats roll their eyes and say something weak about an assault on democracy. They’re just counting down the days. Ugh! What the f***?!?!

Democrats should be up in arms and I swear to f***ing God they should be starting impeachment hearings. F*** it! If this is how RepubliKKKlans want to play by plotting to reverse Biden’s win, then Democrats should be rushing through articles of impeachment. They should give new articles of impeachment the same level of consideration and seriousness RepubliKKKlans gave to traitor trump’s impeachment trial. In that manner, the House could make him the only president to be twice impeached in a matter of days. But Democrats are weak and feckless, never thinking about how to destroy traitor trump. Whatever! Dumbass Democrats are just as much of a loser at times as traitor trump. But I digress.

Back to no one cares, least of all RepubliKKKlans. That 140 Representatives and 12 Senators who have said they will support stealing the 2020 election from Biden will not be moved. In fact, despite the revelations of the traitor trump audio recording, I predict the moron in the White House will pick up even more support because this is f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! And as I have said countless times before, this level of stupid cannot be undone. Moreover, no one cares at this point. Americans should be outraged, but people just don’t care; they are stuck on “Biden will fix everything” mode, so who cares if traitor trump burns down the house on the way out. Hello, f***tards! Traitor trump is successfully destroying Biden’s presidency before it’s even commenced. Traitor trump is destroying Biden’s legitimacy. This is the real harm, but people are just too stupid to understand the true level of destruction. This is not about “crazy uncle” traitor trump spewing his usual conspiracy theories and lies while being a sore loser. This is about 72 million people believing traitor trump as the leadership and representatives of the RepubuliKKKlan Party condone his behavior and his words. Each day is just more confirmation that traitor trump has total control over the RepubliKKKlan Party and its future. And those people who think the RepubliKKKlan Party is in its death throes or about to split are f***tards of the highest f***ing G.D. order! Just like everything and everyone else in traitor trump’s world, they all bend to his will eventually. Those who don’t conform will be purged (Hello, Lincoln Project), so this is really the beginning of the great RepubliKKKlan Party purge where those on the outs (Hello, Lincoln Project) will be voted out of office and go nowhere (Hello, Lincoln Project), especially to a new conservative party. In the end, traitor trump will get away with everything during his presidency just like everything else in his life! Welcome to stupid America!