Don’t Worry, It’s All Smoke and Mirrors

From CNN, “[T]he fact that Bannon is going along with what appears to be a weak executive privilege argument made by Trump’s lawyers contains a warning for the future about even more autocratic behavior if the former President is able to get behind the Oval Office desk again. Which is why the January 6 committee doesn’t have much time to act. What is likely to be a prolonged and possibly inconclusive legal battle with Bannon could stretch right up until the midterm elections, when a possible new GOP House majority in January 2023 could just shut down the investigation before it has the chance to ink an official record for history on the outrage of January 6. As such, Bannon’s strategy looks a lot like an attempt to run out the clock. … Thompson, the Mississippi Democrat who chairs the January 6 select committee, made clear that his panel, which includes two Republicans, is trying to make an example of Bannon in taking the comparatively rare step of making a criminal referral to the Justice Department. … Bannon’s resistance does not render the committee toothless. Several other Trump acolytes, including ex-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former Pentagon official Kash Patel, are ‘engaging’ with the committee — and the panel agreed to short postponements of their appearances — though it remains unclear if that contact amounts to any form of cooperation.”

Of course, everyone sees these shenanigans for exactly what they are, except members of the January 6 committee. Committee members kept reassuring the public that they are not going to put up with delays and recalcitrance. Members said they were not going to waste time and that they were serious. And that they would take decisive action when necessary. So, what happens with the first four difficult insurrectionist witnesses they subpoenaed? One says f*** you guys! And the other three get extra time to think about cooperating! Un-f***ing-believable! Whatever! Deadlines pass and nothing happens. I expected nothing less. This is why Congress has a 20 percent job approval rating.

Bannon is never going to testify, and, in fact, he will never be held accountable for defying a Congressional subpoena. As the article correctly reports, the criminal referral will go to the DOJ, and if AG Garland decides to prosecute — which is a big f***ing if — then the case will fall into the black hole of the legal system. Remember, Garland is petrified of politicizing the DOJ, especially if upholding the law does exactly that. No one is above the law, except RepubliKKKlans and, in particular, traitor trump. Kill me now!

As for the others — Meadows and Patel — they are “engaging” only as a means to delay. Hello, morons! Once again, dumbass Democrats are like Lucy and the m*****f***ing football with Charlie Brown. They’ve learned nothing. A “short postponement.” Ugh! I’m over it. Democrats just look weak, as usual. So, nothing is going to happen. This entire Select Committee is going to end up being one long frustrating exercise in “demanding” cooperation, but they will do nothing to enforce their oversight powers. There should be no negotiating with witnesses. If Congress subpoenas insurrectionist enablers, then the only option for people is to appear in front of the committee and testify. Full stop! Plead the Fifth if they want, but they need to be put in that position with no other alternative. Recall, traitor trump told his supporters that taking the Fifth assumes one is hiding criminal behavior, so let the public make that same judgment. Democrats must put witnesses on the spot — under oath! Let them squirm before the eyes of the world! Instead, these witnesses are going to negotiate themselves into a position of testifying to nothing of importance. Don’t think for a second that these RepubliKKKlan operatives have thought a few steps ahead, while dumbass Democrats are still Googling “inherent contempt.” Welcome to stupid America!