Douchebag Governor Abbott of Sh*thole Texas

I listened to douchebag Abbott’s press conference, and it was all lies and theatre. The theatre was him parading the heads of state departments to convey the services offered to victims’ families as if the state of Texas is now the caring start. Lies and B.S.! Please! This entire state is run by heartless RepubliKKKlan killers who don’t give one G.D. f*** about the welfare and safety of the citizens. This is a state that’s run by a political party that cares more about the Second Amendment than the people. It’s guns above all else as they take money away from mental health services and Medicaid.

The lies were everything else that came out of Abbott’s mouth. He says he’s open to new laws and that the status quo cannot continue. But he won’t call a special session of the state legislature to change one G.D. thing. Remember, this state legislature, otherwise, meets every two years. Trust me! They are in no hurry to convene to discuss or change anything. His most egregious statement was refusing to blame sales of AR-15s, which he cleverly and euphemistically calls a “long gun.” Yes, a long gun is a general classification term, which basically means everything other than a handgun. He says long gun so that people think of a rifle or a shotgun for hunting game. The subterfuge is intentional. Then he suggests that long guns are not the problem because 18-year-olds have been able to buy such guns for over 150 years. He casually wants you to think that 18-year-olds have been buying AR-15s since before Texas statehood without any issues until recently, so the gun is not the problem. Un-f***ing-believable! For those morons that missed his bait-and-switch logic, AR-15s have only been around since the mid-20th century.

Douchbag Abbott also wants you to believe that all this gun violence is a phenomenon of the 21st-century. Perhaps he needs a reminder of the 1966 University of Texas tower shooting where 14 people were killed, and the gunman used — wait for it … wait for it — a long gun! Actually, several long guns. So, Texas has been a sh*thole state for a long while, and it’s only gotten worse the redder the state becomes because RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks want all non-WASPs dead. It’s really not that complicated.

But whatever. Douchebag Abbott is a moron who governs a state full of like-minded morons. Of course, Uvalde is just the latest in a long list of gun tragedies that started in 1966. And with each gun massacre, nothing changes for the better! Looser gun laws have definitely changed! More guns everywhere and for anyone. Yet, Texas f***tards keep re-electing the same lawmakers who do nothing or make things worse. I have no doubt Abbott will get re-elected because deep, deep down in the recesses of the evil hearts that inhabit the voters of Texas, they will vote for no change, and RepubliKKKlans will continue to rule in the sh*thole state because no one cares. Do not be fooled by the protests you see at the NRA convention. No matter how large the crowds, they will never be large enough because the pro-death gun cult will always be greater, for the cult thrives on being in a perpetual state of fear, and it is fear that motivates them to the polls. Mark my words, idiots! Nothing ever changes because people don’t vote except those who desire the gun cult. We get the government we deserve and desire! Welcome to stupid America! A sh*thole country.