
Douchebag Musk Is a White Supremacist

What the f***? Christ-Almighty! According to The Hill, “Tesla CEO Elon Musk reportedly had twins with a top executive at one of his companies last year, his eighth and ninth known children. … The twins were born weeks before Musk and his then-girlfriend, the musician known as Grimes, gave birth to their second child via surrogate in December.” Wow! Douchebag Musk cheated on his girlfriend with a top executive at one of his companies, which just breaks all kinds of business ethics, not to mention evinces douchebag Musk has no morality. Musk is a grade-A a**hole. Now I see why so many Americans revere him. Because Americans love their douchebag a***holes.

But what! There is more! Also, from The Hill, “The 51-year-old CEO has been an outspoken advocate for more childbirth, expressing fear of a possible fertility crisis in the U.S. and touting his own success with childbirth. ‘Contrary to what many think, the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have,’ Musk said in a Twitter thread. ‘I am a rare exception. Most people I know have zero or one kid.’ ‘I mean, I’m doing my part haha,” Musk said in a follow-up tweet in the thread last month.” Does this sound familiar? Anyone? Anyone at all? Does anyone realize what his comments suggest? He’s acknowledging the Great Replacement Theory. For a man who is supposedly worried about the Earth and the impact humans are having on climate change and the environment, he’s worried that too few rich (white) people are not having enough children. You know — to add to the world’s problems caused by over-population. As I’ve said before, people deciding not to have or are unable to have more children really is nature’s way of controlling an over-populated planet. It’s a feature, not a bug of evolution, f***tards. But whatever. I digress. The real story is that Musk has always been a white supremacist, and he just proved it in a tweet. What a f***ing douchebag. God, I hate that guy!