From the AP, “Grassley said in a statement to AP that some of the nation’s largest farms are receiving huge subsidies ‘through underhanded legal tricks. They’re getting richer off the backs of taxpayers while young and beginning farmers are priced out of the profession. This needs to end. The Department of Agriculture needs to re-evaluate its rules for awarding federal funds and conduct more thorough oversight of where it’s funneling taxpayer dollars.’” Whhhhhat? How can this be? I thought traitor trump drained the swamp! I thought he was going to be for the little guy! I thought trade wars were easy to win! Naturally, everything traitor trump says is a f***ing lie, but the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think the idiot in chief is a f***ing G.D. genius saint. So, in reality, the small farmers are getting f***ed (if they voted for traitor trump then they deserve it), while the large agribusinesses cash in. Yup! Traitor trump is farmers’ savior, and I have no doubt they will vote for him again because this is a trump stupid country!