According to Axios, “Public support for President Trump’s impeachment is higher than it was for Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton when the House launched impeachment inquiries against them.” Hello, stupid people of America! Anyone who thinks today’s political environment is remotely similar to Nixon or Clinton is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order! Seriously! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say this Scheiße, but traitor trump is the Everyman of America! People look at him and think, “Wow, he’s kinda dumb like me!” “He’s a liar like me!” “He says exactly what I was thinking!” “At least he’s a fighter.” “He’s one of us.” “At least he’s not one of ‘them!’” Mark my words, morons! Traitor trump is the raging, grievance, victimized, blame-everyone-else-except-me moron that perfectly reflects the silent majority of the population that voted for him — and will do so again if not more so. Don’t forget that many RepubliKKKlans may not have voted for him the last time because they thought he was a Democrat in disguise. Clearly, this is no longer a concern! F***! He’s more Evangelical than penis-loving Pence. He is quite literally the “only I can fix it” president that has conned most of America into believing he’s achieved a whole lot of f***ing Scheiße while in office beyond a ruinous tax cut. I do not expect support for impeachment to rise much above 50% and certainly nowhere close to the Nixon level. It has been almost three years of out-in-the-open demonstration of corruption by traitor trump and people still support him. America is at maximum polarization, and at this point, those “independents” will likely give him the benefit of the doubt so long as the economy doesn’t become a depression — and it won’t. I don’t see how or why more revelations will suddenly change things. This country simply doesn’t care if the leader of the free world is crooked. They just f***ing don’t! This guy is far more popular than people will admit and most have tuned out his daily craziness. If anything, they sympathize with his victimization b*tching. Welcome to trump stupid America. Still stupid enough to vote for him again next year!