‘Drunk and High’

January 6 defendant Matthew Ryan Miller seeks leniency at sentencing because he was drunk and high. In fact, in one picture, he is seen carrying a case of beer to the rally. Of course, this is not the first defendant and protester who admits to being under the influence of mind-altering substances while participating in the insurrection, which has ranged from alcohol to marijuana to meth. Indeed, I would hazard a pretty confident guess that most of those people at the rally and at the Capitol were drunk and high because this is f***ing stupid America! So! Here we have it, people! America’s democracy came under assault and is still being assaulted by a mob (a citizenry) of drunk and high f***tards! Of course! A nation of alcoholics and drug addicts will determine the future of America!

As I just published in a previous post, Americans only care about being entertained. People came to the January 6 rally (with their party favors) because the entire event was going to be entertainment! Traitor trump is entertaining. Advocating for the overthrow of an election and government is just “something to do” because people are bored with their lives. America’s democracy is failing because people want to be entertained. Naturally, they don’t vote. They just stew while aggrieved by their whiteness and boredom. It gives the Roman adage of “bread and circuses” relevant meaning! Talk about things never changing. Wow! I expected nothing less! Welcome to stupid America!