Dumb Southerners

Referring to traitor trump in a CNN article, “He also bashed Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation and delegate overseeing Mueller to Rosenstein, impersonating Sessions with a thick Southern accent.” This is a perfect example of MAGA morons being ridiculed by their own and loving it. I’m not sure what level of stupid must reside in the mind of a MAGA moron to be made fun of and not care. Last I checked, Southerners are still really sensitive about being mocked for their accent (their slow speaking being equated with a slow mind). Apparently, these morons like it when traitor trump insults them, as they laugh and cheer (and jeer) along. I guess Southern conservatives really are that stupid. (Hey f***tard RepubliKKKlans from the South: Your conservative brethren are laughing at you, not with you.) Welcome to stupid America!