Dumbass Democrats About to Self-Benghazi — Un-f***ing-believable

From the New York Post, “Top Democrats are vowing to hold hearings on the botched withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan that led to a Taliban takeover of the country, with some of President Biden’s most vocal allies calling for answers on the administration’s lack of preparation for the exit. … Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the panel will seek answers on the ‘Trump administration’s flawed negotiations with Taliban, and the Biden administration’s flawed execution of the U.S. withdrawal,’ offering one of the most strongly worded Democratic rebukes of Biden’s foreign policy decision.” Let me reiterate from the start: Biden made the wrong, catastrophic call on Afghanistan, and he is turning out to be a weak and incompetent president; but he’s our weak and incompetent president, yet dumbass Democrats are intent on twisting the knife. Un-f***ing-believable! So, it took Democrats 7 months to go round and round trying to “work” with RepubliKKKlans to create a 1/6 commission to investigate the worst attack on the U.S. Capitol since the War of 1812, only to have them go it alone in the end. Months of time wasted! But within a week, dumbass Democrats are basically committing to self-own themselves with Benghazi-style hearings to highlight and amplify Biden’s foreign policy mess. Naturally, wasting no time! I expected nothing less from Democrats. Leave it to f***tard Democrats to shoot themselves in the head (forget the foot!) by always wanting to be seen as “fair” and “just” by holding themselves accountable. Hello, f***tards! That is not how to win political battles. Save “fair” and “just” for the prosecutors, not politicians. And let the military and intelligence agencies do their own self-assessments to be published in some long-forgotten report 18 months from now. But no! Instead of acknowledging the Afghanistan disaster and moving on from it, dumbass Democrats are going to double down by investigating their own and thereby giving RepubliKKKlans more political ammunition to defeat Democrats in future elections. I can’t with the stupid anymore! It never f***ing ends with these idiot Democrats! Welcome to stupid America. Get ready for traitor trump: #45 and #47. He’s gearing up, people — more interviews, more rallies, more missives from the “office of the 45th president.” I live in stupid hell!