
Dumbass Democrats Are Not Worried Enough!

The Hill has an intriguing headline: “Democrats have sinking feeling: Trump could beat Biden.” And then the article goes on to say, “Democrats are getting a sinking feeling when it comes to Donald Trump: They can see him winning again. … ‘There is a concern from a lot of people like me, for sure,’ said one prominent Democratic strategist. ‘There’s a disconnect between the consultant class of our party and the voters. They think they can just run a bunch of ads talking about how crazy Donald Trump is [and] that will be enough. That’s just not the case.’ Another strategist warned others in his party: ‘Be very f—ing worried.’… An ABC News/Washington Post poll this week found Trump leading Biden by 6 points, 45 percent to 39 percent, but Democratic operatives and even some Republicans have criticized the survey as an outlier, with many saying privately and publicly that the data appears inconsistent. Yet the ABC/Post poll isn’t the only one showing Trump with an edge. A Harvard-Harris poll from late last month placed Trump ahead of Biden by 5 points, while another by the Wall Street Journal gave Biden a smaller 3-percent lead. Last week, Democrats got another glimpse into the state of play: Trump and Biden in a dead heat. An Economist/YouGov poll put them each at 46 percent.”

Hmmm… Isn’t this what I’ve been saying all along? That more than one poll showed traitor trump besting Biden? And these are just recent polls. There have been other surveys since Biden’s inauguration that showed traitor trump ahead. So to all those idiot Democrats that keep thinking such polls are “outliers” or “flawed” or of no concern, I say this: Dumbass Democrats are asleep at the f***ing wheel — again! I have long said that RepubliKKKlans want to destroy America’s democracy, and dumbass Democrats are willing to help — or at the very least do nothing to stop them. Combine RepubliKKKlan authoritarian ruthlessness and Democratic fecklessness with a supremely stupid and apathetic electorate, and you get the end of democracy. It is absolutely incomprehensible to me — and maybe it shouldn’t be, given the level of stupidity in the country — that after everything Americans have experienced under traitor trump and his continued demonstration of abject incompetence and criminality, people would ever give him a second chance let alone a second look. Yet the polls indicate he’s favored to win despite everything Americans know. Traitor trump should never be ahead in any poll at any time — ever! And that even one poll shows traitor trump besting Biden should be a huge concern. Oh, well!

What could possibly cause people to prefer traitor trump over Biden? Easy. And I’ve been saying it for years now: Americans don’t want democracy or, at the very least, don’t care about democracy. Full f***ing stop! Democracy is hard and takes work to protect all the time. Electing Biden to try and fix traitor trump’s and RepubliKKKlans’ messes but then being willing to give back power to the seditious party when Biden and Democrats can’t fix the mess fast enough is not how to protect democracy. But whatever. I live in stupid f***ing hell. The end is coming, f***tards! Biden is merely the intermission to the final act of America’s democracy, and no one cares. People get the exact government they deserve and desire. I’ve been trying to warn you that the arc of the rise of authoritarianism and the diminishment of democracies worldwide is growing, and America is the bellwether that could accelerate the process! How many times must I keep repeating myself? It’s the economy stupid, and to hell with democracy if that’s the price to pay! Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming! Mark my words!