
Dumbass Democrats Cave as Usual

According to Salon, “The House of Representatives voted to keep the government afloat until mid-March on Friday evening after GOP infighting brought the country within hours of a lapse in federal funding. The bill passed with the support of nearly all Democrats in the House and 170 Republicans. The 34 votes against the proposal all came from the GOP caucus. Those naysayers were holding a line from earlier in the week when they voted down representatives who voted down two prior measures.”

It never f***ing fails. Dumbass Democrats bail out RepubliKKKlans — again! Every f***ing time. America is doomed. America is simply doomed because idiot Democrats refuse to or are unable to fight back or both. Whatever happened to forcing the ruling party to pass legislation with their own majority? RepubliKKKlans can’t do this basic task because they are a dysfunctional party that can’t govern straight, yet dumbass Democrats are, themselves, an incompetent and feckless party, allergic to taking advantage of the situation to benefit the party. Look, f***tards! Have dumbass Democrats learned nothing over the last eight years? Democrats are all worried that they’ll be blamed for a government shutdown when we know that Americans have no memory. How many times did the government shut down under Dictator Don? How many times? Three. The longest in American history being one of those three times. And how did Americans punish The Don!? They re-elected him. They f***ing re-elected him. Un-f***ing-believable.

Whatever! Nothing matters anymore at this point. America is doomed because the country is just too f***ing stupid to endure. What happened over this past week is the tip of the iceberg. It is a mere glimpse of the utter chaos Americans voted for when they decided to put The Don! back in the White House. So be it! I don’t care. At this point, I’m starting to come around to the notion that America may have to burn down before Americans and dumbass Democrats realize what they’ve done and finally — finally! — begin to fight back! But I doubt it! History is littered with nations and societies that rolled over to dictatorships and stayed that way. And when the masses decided to rise up and overthrow the yoke of authoritarian rule, it always came at the expense of peace and prosperity. Only through revolution, uprising, civil war, or world war was the status quo uprooted and overturned. America is entirely unexceptional in this regard. Welcome to stupid America! The worst is yet to come. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well.