Dumbass Democrats Lost Interest Already

I found the accompanying article to the graph in The Hill interesting and disturbing. It is pathetic that America’s interest in keeping up with national and international events is directly related to the spectacle of a presidential race. Of course, the more liberal/progressive cable networks see huge drops in viewership. Of course! Because dumbass Democrats, progressives, liberals, and Independents are apparently bored now. They voted traitor trump out of office, so problem solved — crisis averted. And I suppose without the daily traitor trump train wreck show they have nothing to hold their attention, lest of all staying informed. And this! This is exactly why dumbass Democrats keep losing in off-year election cycles. This is why RepubliKKKlans will retake the House in 2023 because people have already been lulled into a false sense of nothing to worry about anymore. When Americans pay attention then they make the right choices in the right numbers — that is, they turn out to vote for Democrats. Otherwise, they are clueless. We’re about to go right back to being clueless. Biden is in office, so they can turn off their brains. No need to keep informed. America’s democracy can go back to autopilot, which means RepubliKKKlans — who are always in a state of rage — will sneak back into office, and dumbass Democrats will wonder what happened? Look, morons! A democracy of dunces eventually dies. Welcome to stupid America!