Dumbass Democrats: The Weak, Loser Party

Axios nailed it: “Democrats say they’re itching for a political fight over abortion rights — and that it will help them in the 2022 midterms. But even if they’re right, they’re still losing the war. … ‘The Supreme Court could overturn Roe and the Texas law could later get kicked out by a court on grounds that have nothing to do with Roe or Casey,’ the conservative legal figure said. A strong performance by Democrats in the midterms wouldn’t stop that from happening.” Some may point to the RepubliKKKlan assault on the ACA that motivated Democrats to take back the House during traitor trump’s term. Indeed, that was likely a critical motivating factor, but the potential for RepubliKKKlans to kill that law impacted nearly everyone equally. The abortion-rights fight only impacts half the country, and as I have said countless times before, America is misogynistic, homophobic, and racist in that order! So, guess what? Misogyny will win out. Translation: Not enough people will care to vote on this issue en masse. It’s only a problem for the “other” (i.e., women) half of the country. Because that is where we’re at now as a nation; “if it doesn’t impact me directly, then it’s not my problem.” Oh, well. Mark my words, morons. This is how democracy dies — it’s always someone else’s problem.

Anyway, it’s too f***ing late, morons. It! Is! Too! F***ing! Late! How long have I been saying this? How long? Since the minute traitor trump won! Democrats are absolutely losing the war. And the destruction of America has only accelerated since then. All of which has been hastened by the complete ineptitude of dumbass Democrats. In fact, the more I reflect — and recall what I wrote last year — on SCOTUS and our civil rights (i.e., abortion rights), then the more I blame Democrats for all of this. It is their abject incompetence and stupidity! It is their failure to think strategically. Seriously! I am really, really f***ing raging at and am disgusted with Democrats — and my two Senators and House representative have my emails to confirm it. God-f***ing-d*mnit! I am so f***ing sick of voting for the loser party — it is indeed the lesser of two evils. I am sick of expecting the loser party to right America’s sinking ship through their hope-y, change-y agenda and politically correct tactics of “we can work with RepubliKKKlans.” F*** me! Democrats aren’t even trying to be ruthless! All I hear are words, words, words, and more words about actions they want to take and actions they will take but are entirely worthless. Case in point, the House will vote on a bill to codify abortion rights, which then goes to the Senate to die! RepubliKKKlans have checkmate. But don’t worry. No one cares!

In a CNN article, Stephen Collinson makes a brilliant argument, “In the seven-month span of Biden’s term, this is the worst of times for Democrats. A stroke-of-midnight eclipse of Constitutional abortion rights in Texas that shocked liberals, a new threat from moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin to Biden’s vast congressional agenda, and the President’s own stumbles in Afghanistan dragged this White House to its lowest moment yet. … The challenges facing Biden also highlight a more overarching question about his governing philosophy. How can a President dedicated to restoring and using traditional Washington methods to pass a massive program do so when confronted by a Republican Party that has already shown itself ready to shred regular order to gain and regain power?” Yup! Again, how long have I been saying it? Dumbass Democrats and Biden just don’t f***ing get it. They are clueless. We have dotard Biden still wanting and hoping to return America’s politics to normalcy. And AG Garland appears to be the defender of such a return because Lord knows he’s doing nothing to hold traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans, and American insurrectionists accountable. More weakness. OMG! Kill me now! F*** that! There is no going back after traitor trump. There is only one way forward: Taking the RepubliKKKlan playbook and putting it to use for Democratic priorities — ten times harder!

The majority wants this, and I’ll give you a good example. Recent polls have shown Biden taking a hit in his job approval, partly because of COVID. I promise that it’s not because Biden isn’t trying; it’s because he is not using the full force of his office hard enough. People like me, I am confident, are fed up with Biden getting in front of the camera pleading with MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans to get vaccinated. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! Really? “Pretty please” is the best he can do? That’s why he is polling lower when it comes to the pandemic. He needs to start flexing his political muscles. His consoler-in-chief stature is wearing thin at this point. Enough with the f***ing coddling of these idiots. He needs to start punishing anti-vaxxers and anti-makers. Start cutting off federal funds to red states that are below a certain vaccination level. And I don’t give one G.D. f*** if it’s not legal or unethical or inappropriate. Let the courts sort that sh*t out. He needs to do something drastic that shows voters he’s not playing around anymore and that he is undoubtedly done asking for cooperation. Americans are tired of the unvaccinated preventing the economy from fully recovering, and we want consequences for these a**holes. Still, all Biden can muster is asking politely and repeatedly for people to “get the shot.” F*** that! Start making them hurt! But, no! That will never happen because the Democratic Party is the weak party. Whatever! Nothing matters. I give up. Nothing ever changes with these Democrats. Same ole, same ole pathetic incompetence from a party that says a lot and does very little. Wake up, f***tards. Wake! The! F***! Up! Morons! Welcome to stupid America! We are so f***ed because of what RepubliKKKlans do and what Democrats constantly fail to do.