Dumbass Democrats Want What?

The Hill reports, “President Trump faces a clash with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other Senate Republicans over the president’s desire for a $2 trillion infrastructure spending bill, something he promised during his 2016 campaign. McConnell has criticized Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for proposing a big infrastructure package, saying she wants ‘to practice what [former Obama White House chief of staff] Rahm Emanuel famously said after the financial crisis in 2008: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”’” WTF?!?! Hello, f***ing dumbass Democrats! I’m pretty sure Emanuel intended that an unwasted crisis be meant for a Democratic administration, not handing traitor trump a huge win! Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t. How f***ing stupid can dumbass Democrats be? Pretty f***ing stupid, I guess. How many f***ing times have I said that no Democrat should give traitor trump any credit for anything and absolutely no f***ing legislative wins because America is too stupid to understand that Democrats are always behind good legislation. In this case, morons of America will claim traitor trump a negotiating genius for getting infrastructure legislation finally passed as they simultaneously ask, “Democrats who?” Traitor trump won’t invite dumbass Democrats to any bill signing just like he failed to do with the $2.2 trillion SARS 2 stimulus. F*** me! So much stupidity. I can’t! The saying should be, “Leave it to dumbass Democrats to hand a win to RepubliKKKlans.” Every! F***ing! Time! Welcome to trump stupid America!