Dumbass Democrats Will Never Get It

A headline from The Atlantic reads: “The Democrats Are Already Losing the Next Election.” Indeed! Did I expect anything less? I did not! The article went on to say, “Although the party succeeded at demonizing Donald Trump, Republicans were successful at demonizing Democrats. ‘Republican attempts to brand Democrats as “radicals” worked, including among voters of color,’ the analysis concludes.” Of course, it worked! It always does. RepubliKKKlans always demonize dumbass Democrats, relentlessly. And it works because fear always works. But wait! There is more, “In the absence of a powerful message, Republicans had ample space to label Democrats ‘radicals’ who endorsed a socialist agenda and violence in the streets, the report said.” Um, yeah! Duh! Moving on, “An analysis from Way to Win examined 2020 campaign ads and found that whereas Republicans spent millions of dollars casting Democrats as extremists, Democrats instead emphasized bipartisanship. That was a mistake, the report argues. Rather than spending valuable resources refuting outrageous accusations, Democrats need to turn the tables, leftists say, and campaign on the idea that Republicans, who encouraged the storming of the U.S. Capitol and pushed back against the expansion of voting rights, are the real extremists.” Bingo! See a trend here?

Dumbass Democrats are just f***ing G.D. weak. They don’t fight back! They don’t respond in kind! They ignore the crazy — you can’t f***ing ignore the crazy, ever! That’s how we got traitor trump, f***tards! I mean seriously. The batsh*t-crazy is not going away just by wishing and hoping it away, yet that seems to be the primary political tactic for the Democratic Party. They are still under the misguided perception that the average voter is smart enough to discern the inherent differences between the parties. News flash: Americans are f***ing morons! They think like traitor trump. That is, they form their opinion based on the last political party speaking into their ear, which is usually the RepubliKKKlan Party because fear and loathing stick in the brain more than that hope-y, change-y bullsh*t! Ugh! Kill me now! I live in stupid hell. Eh, whatever. It’s too late anyway. Key states (Georgia, Florida, and soon-to-be Texas for starters) have already enshrined permanent anti-voting rights legislation that will all but make it impossible for RepubliKKKlans to lose grip on power as dumbass Democrats begin to wake up and wonder what happened? Pathetic. I’m getting really, really, really sick and tired of voting for the weak and clueless party!

And I will end by reminding all the idiot Democrats out there who point to Biden’s win as vindication that Democrats are in a political power upswing. Biden won by fewer popular votes in three key swing states that decided the election than traitor trump won by in three key swing states (not the same) that gave him the win over Hillary. Fewer by almost half. Think about that. If people thought the ~80,000 votes that decided traitor trump’s win in 2016 was more a fluke than a mandate, then what is Biden’s ~44,000 vote margin win mean? We’re f***ed and not many seem to realize it! Welcome to stupid America because we let it happen!