USA Today recounts a portion of the traitor trump Independence Day speech, “‘Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant [sic].’” This man is so f***ing G.D. stupid it’s a wonder that he can feed himself or go to the bathroom without assistance. Yeah, this is a trump stupid country alright where such nonsensical speak from the “leader” of the free world constantly passes for normal and acceptable. If this were a Democratic president (or worse from the mouth of a black man) then conservatives would be ridiculing a liberal for not knowing the country’s history or being careless in the delivery of the speech; however, since this is traitor trump his MAGA moron supporters and RepubliKKKlans don’t care that he comes off as a fool and clearly someone who reads anything put in front of him (can you say Ron Burgundy). Yeah, I have no doubt that his speech writers are as dumb as the boss so throwing in a reference to airports during the Revolutionary War is perfectly logical (to them). Of course, worse still, if traitor trump stumbled during the speech and decided to adlib about airports then he truly is as trump stupid as the term defines. No matter what. Traitor trump is constantly saying stupid stuff which the morons in this country reward him for because they are too stupid to realize that their dear leader is the dumbest person in the world. Welcome to stupid America. One year older and more stupid today than it was yesterday!