Dumbest People on Earth MAGA Morons and Traitor [T]rump

From CNN, “And in a trademark bombshell that blindsided aides, Trump on Tuesday also issued a sudden pre-Christmas demand for changes to a desperately needed $900 billion pandemic relief bill that risked shattering a fragile bipartisan compromise he had made no effort to shape. His move could send global markets into free fall and prolong the deprivation of millions of Americans who are going hungry or have lost their jobs. … The President’s new demand for payments of $2,000 for each American will strike a chord among many people who viewed the stimulus checks folded into the bill as miserly.”

All of this is hilarious. This is just the typical temper tantrum by the snowflake loser f***tard sitting in the White House — traitor trump, just to be precise. There is absolutely no upside to his calling for $2,000 payments while threatening to scuttle the COVID survival and budget legislation. Of course, traitor trump is too G.D. stupid to understand the no-win position he has created for himself — again! Although, it is likely he will have dupped his f***tard MAGA moron followers. Look, idiots! There are only three reasons he’s threatening the legislation now after it has been passed: first, for the attention; second, for revenge against RepubliKKKlans; and third, to appease his populist base. The first two are just a means to continue to create chaos in the country, which his MAGA moron followers f***ing love. Make no mistake, f***tards! Nearly 50 percent of America really, truly loves the spectacle and the chaos. Most people are bored with their lives, so they love the traitor trump reality show because they have nothing better to do except watch and perpetuate the chaos. I mean, this is a great reality show finality cliffhanger. Will he or won’t he? Will he blow up the legislation, or won’t he? Will people suffer, or will traitor trump “rescue” them? Must I remind the reader that 10 million more people voted for traitor trump in November because they wanted four more years of this sh*tshow? I can’t! It’s just all stupidity. At what point do people realize that traitor trump is f***ing with people’s lives? Eh, whatever. No one cares. This is what America deserves.

The last point shows that traitor trump is still “fighting” for the “average guy.” Of course, this is laughable. Yet, his herp derp followers believe him when he does things like this because welcome to trump stupid America! All of his f***tard followers will point to this latest stunt and say, see, he is fighting for us! OMG! I can’t with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid anymore. First, the $2000 survival payment was a Democratic ask in negotiations months ago, which the human turtle Mitch McConnell refused out of hand. Second, traitor trump has been utterly uninvolved in negotiating this piece of legislation, so he had months to push for a higher payment amount if he really, really wanted it, but did not — for months. If he genuinely wanted this for the “average guy,” then he would have demanded it as part of the negotiating process. But no! He can’t be bothered with the hard work. He can never be bothered. Now, suddenly he wants more money and wants to take credit for demanding $2000 payments after everything has been passed. Un-f***ing-believable! Whatever! Still, the MAGA morons believe his sincerity, as if he cares about them. This is why they think he is the greatest president ever. He rarely delivers, but he just pretends to care enough — and morons of America eat it up every f***ing time. Last, now he has given Democrats a talking point to push for higher payments, which will never happen. Again, traitor trump will have to cave and sign the legislation or look like a complete fool — again — as Congress overrides his veto if he goes that route, or he could just say f*** it, which has the greatest probability of occurring because traitor trump doesn’t care! He never has, and he cares even less now on his way out the door. Let the government shut down. I hope it does! I don’t care either. Those who are hurt the most by a government shut down are MAGA morons, for they indeed are the poorest and neediest in America. Whatever the case, Democrats will look like the heroes thwarted in their attempt to keep America going by traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans. It’s all just another demonstration of his complete fecklessness. What a worthless loser — again! Still! Always! Loved by his loser MAGA morons!

But no matter, stupid America loves him for it. They love the chaos and the stupidity, and the incompetence. F*** me! I hate the stupid in America. It hurts, and I’m tired of being surrounded by it! Again, I say traitor trump is the Everyman of America: stupid, lazy, uninformed, and a loser. America gets what it deserves! And we deserve traitor trump because morons of America voted for every bit of this disaster beginning 20 January 2017 and ending right up until 11:59:59 AM 20 January 2021. I have no doubt the American f***tards that call themselves voters thought all this would end after the election was called in November 2020 and that traitor trump would quietly go away. Never! Going! To! F***ing! Happen! It’s only going to get worse, morons. Mark my words! He’s just getting warmed up! The stupid never ends! Everywhere stupid, stupid everywhere. Welcome to stupid America! Whatever. I give up! This level of stupid can never be undone!