Economic Ignorance

Americans know f***-all about economics, and it’s destroying the country because I live in stupid hell. CNN reports, “President Joe Biden and his administration appear perilously close to an irreversible severing of public confidence in his capacity to deliver prosperity and financial security as stiff economic challenges balloon into huge political liabilities. A CNN poll released Wednesday shows that the President’s repeated efforts to highlight undeniably strong aspects of the economy’s post-pandemic rebound and to offset blame for its bad spots aren’t working.”

American democracy cannot endure with an ignorant citizenry. Don’t take my word for it; read Jefferson: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” While all of America is mostly (no less than 40 percent) is moronic, for this post, I’ll focus on the one aspect of ignorance that — astonishingly — determines the outcome of most elections: The economy. Democrats will lose control of the House come this midterm because people are too f***ing stupid to understand how the economy works. The vast, vast majority — I’d venture a guess that 99 percent — have never taken an economics course, yet the same majority bases their election choices on a subject they have never formally learned. That’s like a 16-year-old competing in NASCAR because they have a learner’s permit. People live the economy every day, but that doesn’t mean they actually understand how it works; that just means they know rote functions. For example, higher prices mean their paycheck doesn’t go as far. They understand how to allocate and re-allocate scarce resources, but they don’t understand the root causes of how or why their resources are being constrained. I won’t go into detail; I’ve done that plenty in other posts. Of course, stupid America thinks the “cause” is Biden. Ugh! F*** me! I can’t with the stupid anymore; it f***ing hurts, and these idiots are going to punish Biden and Democrats for something over which they have very little control. Welcome to stupid America!