Eh, People Don’t Care, so Let Democracy Die, Already! I’m Tired of Waiting!

From CNN, “Democratic governors are facing a messaging conundrum: they say American democracy may hinge on their elections in 2022, but they’re not sure they can get most voters to care. Attempts to meddle with the certification of the Electoral College count and the partisan takeovers of the voting infrastructure don’t seem to be front of mind for an electorate drained by nearly two years of pandemic living and a creeping sense of economic panic, and that worries a range of Democratic governors … Several Democratic governors who were in office in 2020 played significant roles in staving off attempts to stir up challenges around the Electoral College certification. The fear is that GOP governors in states with GOP-controlled legislatures will work together to change the electoral rules, potentially adding to the chaos and confusion about reporting electoral votes out of their capitals, regardless of who wins the next presidential election. In backing candidates who question the results of the 2020 election, Trump and his allies seem to be trying to lay the groundwork for an election infrastructure that could be more favorable to future attempts to overturn the outcome.”

And this from Vox, “Experts on democracy warn that America is sleepwalking toward a disaster, a situation where the electoral playing field is so tilted in the GOP’s favor that America’s people no longer have a meaningful voice in who rules them. ‘We’ll wake up one day, and it’ll become clear that Democrats can’t win,’ says Tom Pepinsky, a political scientist at Cornell University. … Many elite Democrats are fully aware of the problem. Some, like Sen. Raphael Warnock (GA) and the activist group Indivisible, have worked to try to sound the alarm. But at the very highest levels of the party, democracy has become something of a side issue rather than a top priority. … Republicans, at both the elite and mass public level, are actively organizing against democracy — with largely ineffectual pushback from Democratic elites and partisans. There is no evidence of a mass movement to save democracy in America today.”

Add to this my recent post, and the trend is clear. No one — especially dumbass Democrats — cares that America’s democracy is dying. So, whatever. I can only b*tch for so long. Rip the band-aid off quickly already. I’d rather have one swift coup de grâce than this insufferable drip, drip, drip where nobody sees democracy slipping around them, or they do see yet react with an “eh” and a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Sixty percent of Americans are going to wake up one day with their most cherished freedoms and way of life annulled. Then, all of a sudden, they will care, but it’ll be too late. Welcome to stupid America!