Eh, So What? It’s More Stupid America!

On CNN: “A gunman opened fire outside and inside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis’ main airport Thursday night, killing eight people, wounding several others and sending witnesses running before taking his own life, police said.” So, what? Who cares? I certainly don’t! I mean this is exactly what a stupid country wants and deserves. Oh, sure “people” lament and “do” “thoughts and prayers” and say words — many, many words — over these daily mass shootings, but they don’t mean it. None of them do, except perhaps the families of victims and even some of those remain staunch gun advocates — so America can’t win, no matter what. America’s “citizens” tell pollsters that Congress, at the very least, should institute national background checks for gun purchases with as much support as 90 percent even though universal background checks will do nothing to solve America’s love affair with daily gun violence. So, Americans can’t even understand and identify the best solution to the American addiction to guns, which is not universal background checks. Again, it is a reflection of a supremely stupid, stupid nation that at its core does not care. We only pretend to care and pretend to be outraged and pretend to want change, but we don’t because this gun violence epidemic has been going on for decades in America and nothing has changed; it’s only gotten worse. Biden was right when he recently said America’s gun violence problem is an embarrassment before the world. Apparently, Americans don’t care that we are the laughing stock of the world that just can’t seem to get its act together when it comes to killing each other. What a pathetic nation. And, of course, no one cares!

Sure, “people” look aghast at Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas, Las Vegas (the biggest mass death shooting — 61 killed), and the like and simply move on — next shiny object! Move on! Guns are America’s daily, decades-long epidemic, and trust me when I say no one cares. Eh, whatever! America is simply too m*****f***ing G.D. stupid to change anything. We deserve the stupid. We deserve the deaths. We deserve the destruction, and at this point — post traitor trump — America deserves extinction! It’s that simple. Sorry, but Biden’s win is not redemption! And given the obstruction of Congress — among fellow Democrats nonetheless — it is neither a change in course, especially when in this post traitor trump era the orange idiot, RepubliKKKlans, QAnon, MAGA morons, et al still retain so much popular support and adherents to crazy beliefs. Among those crazy beliefs? America needs more guns! We need more “good guys with guns” to out-Rambo “bad guys with guns” because that has never worked. No, it is just more of the same, but now dumbass Democrats are useless to do anything. Whatever! I give up. I can’t wait for all these “people” who want more gun control to vote for RepubliKKKlans who want less gun control. Eh, I don’t care. Americans are too stupid to change anything. America is too stupid to improve. If this country wants to kill itself one mass shooting at a time and if this country doesn’t mind the ever-increasing daily drip, drip of American blood and gun carnage, then so be it! Who am I to question America’s feign concern over gun violence while demonstrating actual complacency through their inaction to do anything about it? Who am I? Who am I to keep believing that one day America will wake up? Not! And never! How many f***ing times have I said it: America is a dying democracy and no one cares! Welcome to stupid America. I can’t wait for nothing to change!