Einsatzgruppen and Tiergartenstraße 4 Time for Anti-Vaxxers

It! Is! Time! People! The extermination of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers (yes, I am being redundant) shall begin. With the perfunctory full FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there is no quarter left for these morons — although FDA approval was never going to change their minds. But now they have no excuses left, so let the Einsatzgruppen and Tiergartenstraße 4 program begin! Let the round-ups begin. At this point, to rid ourselves of this pandemic, I am all for showing your vaccination papers, and if you don’t have them, then off to a ravine — Babi Yar style! And for those willfully unvaccinated a**holes taking up valuable bed space in hospitals, well, we have a wonderful T-4 remedy for you f***tards! One hefty plunge of potassium chloride or fentanyl, whichever is on hand, will do the trick. (Or just pull the m*****f***ing plug!) I am so over these hateful, selfish people. I am f***ing sick of these people and their “FREEDOM!” to be vectors of a deadly, highly infectious respiratory disease. Their mere breathing can kill, so stop their breathing! I say stop it quickly. The more they breathe, the more we die. We don’t want them living in our states and as our neighbors. If these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans wish to be part of a death cult, then they can all live and die together, away from us (aka blue states). Otherwise, we will hasten their exit from life for them. Now ask me how I really feel. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber and deadlier than ever!