
Election Deniers Win Their Primaries

According to The Hill, “Republicans touting former President Trump’s unfounded claims that the 2020 election was stolen saw victories across the map in Tuesday’s primaries, raising questions — and, for many, concerns — about what will happen in November’s general elections. … The potential elevation of election deniers into roles such as governor and attorney general, which could directly impact an election, has alarmed some observers. … For now the question is whether candidates who questioned the 2020 election can win in November. But some are already looking ahead to a different question: If they do, will they use their offices to contest future elections? ‘That’s certainly not just a possibility but more and more a probability,’ Heye said. ‘The reality is for those Republican election deniers, they only deny the elections they want to deny.’”

What happens when you put election-denying politicians in positions to run and certify elections who believe any election their party did not win must have been rigged and, therefore, should be overturned? (Of course, nevermind the fact that said politicians supposedly allowed corrupted elections to happen on their watch, meaning they couldn’t do their job competently in the first place, but their flawed logic never stops these morons, who ran on restoring election “integrity.”) So, what happens to a state and, indeed, a nation where every election is contested, and the final results are determined by the opinion of RepubliKKKlan election proctors or by RepubliKKKlan state legislatures in favor of their own party? What happens to a nation where everyone in the RepubliKKKlan Party simply refuses to believe election results in which they did not win? What happens? The end of democracy is what happens. We are on our way, morons. Mark my words!

Look, f***tards! Denying elections is nothing new; it is as old as elections themselves, and it is as old as the founding of America. The end of America’s democracy will not happen overnight and will not occur in a single or a couple of elections, but it has started and is accelerating. Indeed, RepubliKKKlans have been waiting for this moment for decades. What is this moment? The moment of conservative momentum spreading throughout America; the moment of a captured SCOTUS who is hell-bent on voter suppression and bolstering RepubliKKKlan dogma; the moment of their strongman traitor trump holding up a mirror to MAGA morons and the nation falling in love with the reflection; the moment of unapologetic white supremacy and conspiracy theories become the backbone of the RepubliKKKlan Party; and the moment of being able to finally install people to rig future elections to take and hold power indefinitely. Mark my words! This time, unlike our previous 245-year history, is, in fact, different — very different. And citizens are copacetic with it! Welcome to stupid America!