
Elon Musk Debuts 1st Gen Robot to 4th Gen World

In honor of WelcomeToStupidAmerica joining Twitter — against my better judgment — I thought it only fitting to make my inaugural tweet about the site’s soon-to-be owner: Elon Musk. As CNN reports, “Tesla revealed on Friday a prototype of a humanoid robot that it says could be a future product for the automaker. The robot, dubbed Optimus by Tesla, walked stiffly on stage at Tesla’s AI Day, slowly waved at the crowed and gestured with its hands for roughly one minute. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that the robot was operating without a tether for the first time. Robotics developers often use tethers to support robots because they aren’t capable enough to walk without falling and damaging themselves. … Tesla is not the first automaker to develop a humanoid robot. Along with Hyundai’s Boston Dynamics, Honda worked on robots dubbed ‘Asimo’ for nearly 20 years. In its final form, Asimo was a child-size humanoid robot capable of untethered walking, running, climbing and descending stairs, and manipulating objects with its fingers.”

I suppose if I’m going to use Twitter, then I’ll have to clean up some of my posts. I’ll try to keep this one clean, but my tens and tens of followers will readily understand that I do not like Musk — and that’s putting it hilariously mildly. He is a billionaire man-child carnival baker who poses as a genius. In reality, he’s just a grade-A jerk. That being said, of course, he touts his “new” walking, waving robot as if he invented sliced bread. What he really “revealed” to the world is a robot demonstrating first-generation capabilities in a world where everybody else is running on fourth-generation (at least) technology. Yet, I’m sure Musk sycophants could not wait to claim he has revolutionized the “untethered” robotic world. Furthermore, he claims Optimus will eventually be mass-produced and operate on the same AI technology as Tesla’s self-driving mode. So, should we expect killer robots in each home? Isn’t this the same guy who warned about AI-powered robots? Once again, he’s all showmanship, and morons eat it up. Welcome to stupid America!