Embrace the Political Fight on Guns, Idiots

Beto O’Rourke challenged the Texas governor, lieutenant governor, Uvalde mayor, senator, et al. at a press conference yesterday, and the Texas Tribune reports, “‘You are doing nothing,’ O’Rourke said. ‘You are offering up nothing. You said this was not predictable. This was totally predictable when you choose not to do anything.’… Some of the Republican officials onstage quickly denounced O’Rourke. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz told him, ‘Sit down and don’t play this stunt.’ Patrick told O’Rourke he was ‘out of line and an embarrassment.’ And Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin gave the most colorful response. ‘I can’t believe that you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to a deal like this to make a political issue,’ [Uvalde Mayor] McLaughlin said.”

I am going to lose my m*****f***ing G.D. mind with these RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks. And I am similarly disgusted by most dumbass Democrats — except for O’Rourke — for falling into the same old RepubliKKKlan trap after every gun massacre. After every gun massacre RepubliKKlans immediately, without fail, claim that any discussion, commentary, reflection, and thinking on the means (i.e., guns) of the tragedy is politicizing the issue. And right on cue, dumbass Democrats go right into defensive mode, which invariably leaves RepubliKKKlans with the upper hand in controlling the narrative as to what will not be done to fix America’s death cult love affair with guns, for RepubliKKKlans always blame everyone and everything else on these routine massacres, except themselves and guns. Of course, becoming defense is the wrong political move — imagine that dumbass Democrats choosing the wrong political tactic. It never fails. F***ing weak, stupid Democrats.

The correct political tactic is to embrace the politics of every gun massacre! The only way to fix this problem — short of civil war — is through the political process, so you’re f***ing G.D. right we should be politicizing these events! Every time! Immediately! How or why is this so f***ing G.D. difficult to understand for Democrats? Why the f*** can’t dumbass Democrats just for f***ing once go against conventional wisdom and embrace the politics of guns after mass-death-by-gun events instead of getting stuck on lovey-feely B.S.? The problem with Democrats and people more generally is that they don’t get angry enough and stay angry long enough. For the love of f***ing God in all of f***ing heaven, why can’t democrats take the fight to these RepubliKKKlan killers? This! This is why people are so f***ing frustrated with Democrats. We know who the enemy of the state is. We know who the enemy of the people is. It is the RepubliKKKlan Party, yet dumbass Democrats are too afraid to fight back, especially when it comes to gun control. America is so f***ed. Just wait until RepubliKKKlans take back control of the House next year and traitor trump returns to the White House. America will be unrecognizable all because Democrats failed to be courageous at every opportunity. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America!