EMH of Politics

I am losing my f***ing sh*t! I can’t f***ing take it anymore. I just f***ing can’t. If I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. moronic dumbass Democratic politician, pundit, commentator, journalist, or reformed conservative political operative express disbelief in the polls and opine about what people are missing in their calculations to cause them to support traitor trump over Biden, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! More specifically, Nicole Wallace on Deadline: White House made a rhetorical comment about traitor trump leading in a recent poll whereby she asked, “What are people missing [to yield the survey’s outcome]?” Invariably, these liberal, progressive, or other types keep convincing themselves that people are misinformed, that there is some still-to-be-discovered piece of information that will open their eyes, that people are forgetting the traitor trump years of his presidency, that people aren’t paying attention to the presidential race yet. All of these excuses are, of course, just that: F***ing B.S. excuses. They’re reasons to willfully ignore the unfavorable data before them. This is not to say that I think the electorate has become enlightened; they are benighted as ever, which is why it’s even more alarming that voters, indeed, possess all the information — to the extent that they can apprehend information — required to make an “informed” decision and answer polls in the manner that they do. People can possess information yet be incapable of understanding it. This is precisely what is happening with traitor trump and how most of the country perceives him. Americans are simply too stupid to apprehend reality. Why am I so certain that people are informed but remain so stupid? I turn to EMH as a guide.

The Efficient-Market Hypothesis: In short, everything that can be known is known that factors into a stock price or, in its adaptation to politics, factors into a decision, i.e., how people vote and answer survey questions. I guess it is my background in finance and economics that leads me to this theory. I’m sure there is some corollary theory in political science of which I am unaware. Everything is known about traitor trump. His mendacity. His corruption. His criminality. His disdain for democracy and longing for a dictatorship. You name it. Everything is known, yet most Americans want him back in office to finish the job of transforming American democracy into an American dictatorship. And no one cares. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! The end is already here; you f***tards just haven’t realized it yet.