
Ending NATO, Ending Democracy

Do morons of America even know what NATO is? Why it’s important? I doubt it because I live in stupid f***ing hell, surrounded by idiots of the highest f***ing order. Surrounded in an America that is so f***ing stupid that people elected traitor trump once, and they’re about to do it again! One thing traitor trump repeatedly threatened to do in his first term was to “leave” NATO. Now, in his second, this is a promise. And I guess I should clarify the term “leave.” A president cannot unilaterally undo a treaty, although it would appear that at least 45 percent of this sh*t-for-brains country would gladly crown traitor trump as sovereign king. Rather, traitor trump can certainly ignore our treaty obligations, and this is where Article 5 and our financial support to the organization become germane.

First, the 2 percent of our GDP contribution to NATO that traitor trump kept bitching about in his first term will end. Even this needs clarification because traitor trump constantly misstated what this 2 percent obligation actually means. He persistently insisted to (misled) Americans that we send cash to NATO nations, which is just f***ing wrong. The 2 percent requirement means that we’ll contribute to the NATO alliance by funding expenses to maintain our own military hardware and readiness, and to be able to come to the defense of other treaty members, who have mutual interests as our own. In short, we will spend money to maintain our military consistent with NATO joint requirements, be able to conduct military training exercises with other alliance nations, and be able to join NATO operations when and where required. Included in this financial obligation is helping to fund the budget. For example, NATO has a headquarters; someone has to pay for the administration of the alliance. In this sense, yes, we “send” money to the alliance along with everyone else. But we are not giving money to other countries to bolster their economy. Sadly, as with everything in this country of morons, people believe we are sending pallets of cash to foreigners. That’s not how NATO works. So, expect traitor trump to pull out of any existing NATO operations and training exercises immediately. In short, he’ll pick up his ball and run home like the petulant child that he is.

Second, we come to Article 5, which is the essence of the whole defensive nature of NATO. Without Article 5, the treaty is worthless. Traitor trump will immediately announce his intention to ignore the covenant because he just doesn’t f***ing care, just like the hoards of other f***tard Americans who don’t give a sh*t either. And no one can stop him from doing it! As the commander-in-chief, no politician, political party, or court can force him to active the military if NATO needs help. For those not familiar with Article 5, it reads as follows:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

The North Atlantic Treaty (1949)

This is the famous “an attack on one is an attack on all” article, for short. Notice that the wording of these paragraphs is vague, so how member nations should specifically act is not explicitly defined. And Article 5 has only been invoked once in NATO’s history, so there is not a lot of precedent. Does anyone know what event precipitated the once-in-history activation of Article 5? Any f***tard American out there know the answer to this question? Any moron in the audience have a clue? Don’t be shy. Speak up. Shout your wrong answer. Time’s up — pencils down. The answer is 9/11, and the only country that ever triggered Article 5 is The United States of America! And what did other NATO nations do when we called on them to join us to purge Al Qaeda from Afghanistan? They did not hesitate. I know morons of America like to think that our mighty nation single-handedly invaded and conquered Afghanistan in vengeance. While we were the primary military force in the coalition, it was a joint effort that included help from the U.K., Canada, and Australia, among dozens of other nations that gave support in different ways.

Fast forward 20 years, and now Americans seem hell-bent on electing a dictator who wants to essentially ignore our commitment to NATO. How ironic and utterly fitting that Americans should turn their backs on a defensive alliance that once helped us. I expected nothing less from Americans. Only in America can a populace be so f***ing ignorant, arrogant, and selfish. No wonder America is simultaneously admired and despised by the world. Because we pull sh*t like this. We are signaling a big middle finger to the rest of the world and to our allies. An international f*** you! You helped us once upon a time, but don’t expect us to return the favor! Un-f***ing-believable.

Now, I trust individual Americans do not intentionally mean to tell the rest of the world to f*** off (or maybe that is precisely what they intend), but our collective ignorance and lack of understanding of our own history make us blind and consequently stupid. What’s the outcome? An America that does not apprehend the significance of NATO and is willing to (or unwittingly) abandon the alliance that has ensured relative peace for the last 70 years. For I promise you, Russia will start invading former U.S.S.R. satellite countries in Europe (e.g., Poland), understanding that traitor trump in the White House means America will be a no-show if any NATO country invokes Article 5. Because, of course! But you know what? Maybe this sh*t-for-brains country (world) needs a good old-fashioned world war to remind themselves just how good the peace has been. There is a not-so-insignificant part of me that thinks Americans are rather bored with their lives and very likely want traitor trump — and all the chaos he’ll bring to the world — back for purely entertainment value because why not? This is what a dying democratic nation looks like! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to endure. Mark my words!