Ending Roe Means Nothing

Ha! Something else I predicted correctly — for now. CNN reports, “The polling ahead of the 2022 midterms has been marked by a shrinking of electoral divisions. Young and older voters are now more likely to agree on their views of President Joe Biden. The Democratic advantage among Black and Hispanic voters, while still clear, is smaller. Perhaps more surprisingly as we head into the heart of the primary season, the same is true when it comes to gender. Even after the leak of a draft US Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, there are signs of a smaller gender gap among voters. … Right now, the divide is considerably smaller than it was in May 2018, which was considered by many to be a second ‘Year of the Woman.’”

Look, f***tards! The end of Roe means nothing electorally! And I said as much last month. Harry Enten’s analysis of the polls bears this out because no one cares. I promise you that no one cares. As I’ve argued since Roe became endangered, abortion rights will always be someone else’s problem, and when it becomes an individual’s own problem, it will be too late; women will just grin and bear it; they will simply put up with their second-class status. But the one thing they will not do is vote as if their God-given rights depended on it because this is stupid America. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself but ending Roe is not going to save the Democratic Party in the midterms, nor is the threat of everyone losing some part of their rights — given the new SCOTUS conservative supermajority — going to get people to the polls, nor are demographic changes going to dissuade citizens from voting against their best interests, nor will there be some great awakening of progressives, moderates, and women to save America’s democracy. The enemy — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — is winning, and no one understands, much less cares. Do not kid yourself into believing 2022 is going to be the third “Year of the Woman.” It! Is! Not! Oh, well! I’m counting down to the midterms and the beginning of the end to the realty T.V. show intermission that is the Biden administration. Welcome to stupid America!