Enough with the Veepstakes B.S.

From CNN, “With Joe Biden expected to formally announce his vice presidential pick this week, I’m breaking format to bring you the five women most likely to be his choice. These picks are based on conversations with knowledgeable sources, reporting and just some educated guesswork. Enjoy!” Ugh! Enough of this veepstakes B.S.! God! I just f***ing can’t anymore. Allow me to put it plainly: of course, Biden needs to pick a black woman lest black voters will stay home — again! Yeah! I said it! Call me racist. Whatever! I don’t give a G.D. f***! I still blame black voters for getting traitor trump elected! They sat out the last presidential election in great enough numbers that cost Clinton the election despite entreaties from President Obama to vote for Clinton and not allow traitor trump to roll back all the work he had done over the previous eight years. So, what happened? Black voters stayed home because according to traitor trump, “What did they have to lose?” So they believed him just like all the other MAGA morons. Ugh! F*** me! One will have to forgive me if I don’t trust black voters not to make the same mistake again because I live in stupid America, so if that means black voters will only show up to the polls if another black person is at the top of the ticket then so f***ing be it. Pick one! Anyone! I wanted Harris for president in the first place, so I hope Biden picks her! She was always my first choice. I don’t trust voters. Look who’s in the Oval Office now! Welcome to stupid America! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Obama was the exception. Traitor trump is the rule! We’re f***ed! Mark my words!