Epic Fail: Traitor Mueller Prediction

I can’t wait for dumbass Democrats to f*** up the Mueller testimonies because they will — that’s what they do. Sorry, morons, but the public has moved on from this subject — the economy is too good to care because it’s the “economy, stupid” in f***tardland of America! Hearings have not begun yet, and dumbass Democrats are f***ing things up already. First, they should have subpoenaed Mueller to testify the day after the report came out — no negotiations, no waiting, no excepts. Treat him like the hostile witness he is going to be. It should have been a one-two punch. Here are the book and the movie! Now it’s what movie to what book? So they failed there, as usual.

Second, how the f*** does he get away with providing two testimonials in two different oversight committees for a grand total of five f***ing hours? Un-f***ing-believable. RepubliKKKlans dragged Clinton over the coals during multiple Benghazi hearings — the longest of which was 11 hours — for something which, in the end, turned up absolutely nothing. That was a real witch hunt! Go figure! But when it comes to dumbass Democrats’ turn to play hardball, they roll over. Five f***ing hours! (Granted, this is five hours of the questioning portion of testimony, but Mueller is known for giving pithy answers, so they should demand more time for questions unless they intend to have him read extended excerpts of his report.) Pathetic! Dumbass Democrats act like the losers they are before anything ever happens. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Third, they’ll blow the questioning as they normally do. When time is tight, they fail to coordinate, so each member will pointlessly and needlessly ask the same questions, which Mueller will refuse to answer meaningfully each time, but that won’t stop them from banging their heads against the wall over and over again, hoping for a different result. F*** me!

Last, dumbass Democrats keep wanting to believe that Mueller is some impartial savior of the republic; he is not! He is a traitor RepubliKKKlan, just like the rest of them. I don’t give one G.D. f*** about his record or past service. Once a f***ing RepubliKKKlan then he is automatically and forever loyal to that party and its underlying ideals, which is basically to f*** over the rest of the country.

I can’t! I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity of this country anymore. Welcome to stupid America! Mark my words, idiots. This is all going to land with one big thud, which is a win for traitor trump. For years he’s been repeating the “no collusion, no obstruction” mantra. Does this seem familiar to any morons out there? Anyone? Anyone at all? It is straight out of Goebbel’s “Big Lie” playbook. Eventually, the idiots simply just accept it as fact, and nothing will move them off of believing the lie. I’m telling you! I’m going to be right about this!