Even More Mueller Bashing

Apparently, Mike Viqueria is the only f***ing genius reporter to ask Mueller the single most important question: “‘If he were anybody but the president, would Mr. Trump be indicted, sir?’” How many f***ing times must I say it? RepubliKKKlans — no matter who — put the president above the law. He gave traitor trump a pass and he never had any intention of charging him from the outset. Hey, Mueller! The DOJ guideline never to indict a sitting president is just that: a f***ing guideline. I guess a president who commits obstruction of justice in a matter related to the integrity of this nation’s essence (free and fair elections) is simply not important enough to break the f***ing rules. I will never be a fan of Mueller unless he gets in front of Congress and tells them traitor trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice and the only reason he did not do it is because the DOJ places the president above the law. He needs to fall on this sword and then some. Welcome to stupid America where people get f***ed every day, except the traitor president.