Every One of Those Tulsa MAGA Morons Is a Disease on America!

Attribution: Sarah Phipps/The Oklahoman

I truly have no f***ing clue why people cannot seem to get it through their f***ing thick skulls that these MAGA morons and traitor trump sycophants are a disease on this nation. They are all a cancer that must be excised from humanity — root and stem. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats act like aspirin on the problem when we should be the chemo, radiation, and scalpel! These people are not some fad. They are not a fever that will break once he’s out of office. No! Traitor trump is the cause and the symptom. This will not be over when he’s gone. Unless and until we obliterate his followers then much of this country will continue to rot and infect the rest of us. F*** me! There is no returning to normal after traitor trump until America has this great reckoning! It’s all related, f***tards — Gods, guns, gays! That has not changed! Face it, morons. WTF?!?! Am I really the only one clear-eyed enough to see the obvious. These people will follow traitor trump to their deaths — literally — and they have no problems with taking down the rest of America with them. They are all the proverbial Goebbels family who will not want to live in a country without traitor trump. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped in this death cult and no one seems to care! Fan-f***ing-tastic.