‘Everything is different, but nothing has changed’

Officer Harry Dunn summed it up perfectly on the first day of testimony at the select committee to investigate the 6 January 2020 insurrection: “Everything is different, but nothing has changed.” Indeed! Indeed! Indeed! Because it is so true I can confidently say America’s democracy is irreversibly declining! Mark my words, morons. Most of the Democratic f***tards out there think that Biden’s win has extinguished the threat — problem solved and now they can go back to their daily apathy. Nope, idiots! Biden — being weaker than I expected — is proving to be a mere speed bump in the road as white supremacists, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and RepubliKKKlans continue their march to destroy America’s democracy and remake the nation into a “fascist theocracy” — I’m claiming to be the first to coin this phrase, which is probably needlessly redundant. As they say: Democrats may be done with RepubliKKKlans, but RepubliKKKlans aren’t done with Democrats. RepubliKKKlans are coming for Democrats, to kill them! Literally!

The threat is real and ongoing (“everything is different”) and dumbass Democrats are charged with saving America through their usual listlessness (“but nothing has changed”). So, we are f***ed! I have written countless posts about how dumbass Democrats are too weak, incapable, and ill-equipped to face this new traitor trump era of politics. Democrats need to be ruthless, vengeful, and cunning to counter trumpism; sadly, they are none of these things. Believing that America can return to “normal” by merely governing well as if “normal” is the goal is misguided and demonstrates that dumbass Democrats are still clueless about the threat of trumpism to the country. Biden’s determination to work with RepubliKKKlans on legislation is a perfect case in point. Believing that fixing the economy or managing the pandemic are other examples of Democrats’ failure to comprehend the current threat against the nation. Look f***tards, we are so beyond a return to “normal”; those days are gone forever. Now we are in the era of perma-political culture warfare — well at least RepubliKKKlans are. Democrats are still looking to play nice with the enemy. I’ve said it before: It’s the culture wars, stupid! All of this! Traitor trump, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, anti-science. Everything! The relentless attack on America’s democracy is because of the culture war. Nothing else matters, f***tards. It’s not the economy; it’s the culture. The short version: Racists (and all associated -ists) want their country back! Full stop! It is that f***ing simple. Welcome to stupid America. Get ready because the racists are slowly winning. Mark my words!