According to Raw Story, “The person who leaked U.S. classified documents prompting a national security investigation is a gun enthusiast in his 20s who worked on a military base, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, citing fellow members of an online chat group. … The person shared classified information to a group on the instant messaging platform Discord of about two dozen men and young boys who shared a ‘mutual love of guns, military gear and God,’ the [Washington] Post said.”
Let’s be clear about who this guy really is; he’s a MAGA moron white nationalist Christo-fascist. Full f***ing stop! This guy wants to hurt America while praising and lifting up our enemies. Oh, and he’s a f***ing traitor to America that should be immediately taken out back and a bullet put in his head! These white nationalist Christo-fascists are a disease in America, especially in the military. And Democrats refuse to do anything about it. So, this is what happens — another security breach of grave consequence. No doubt — as I am already beginning to hear in the MSM — this guy, because of his youth and naïveté, will get some special treatment for his jejune “transgression,” as they completely miss the point that he is a symptom of the rising threat of people in the military that want to destroy our democracy and usher in a theocracy. And I don’t want to f***ing hear about how he was just showing off to his other Christo-fascist teenage buddies because he “only” distributed classified documents to his gaming bros, which then “unfortunately” got leaked everywhere. Indeed, from my reading of events another person from the bro group took those documents and transmitted them to Telegram for wider distribution. If that person was an America, he should be hunted down and executed, too. Whatever the particulars, the genius of this mess started with Teixeira, so I don’t give a f***. He’s a traitor and must be executed! But whatever. No one cares. We need to start killing traitors quickly, regardless of age. People might actually start to think twice before handling top secrete information. Welcome to stupid America.