F*** Chief “Justice” Roberts

From CNN, “As the debate continued into the early hours of Wednesday morning, tempers increasingly began to flare. Chief Justice John Roberts admonished both the House managers and the President’s lawyers after a particularly heated back and forth with House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow. Roberts said he was admonishing the two sides ‘in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world’s greatest deliberative body.’” I’ll say it again: f*** Chief “Justice” Roberts. He’s an a**hole. “Greatest deliberative body!” What a f***ing joke. The same “deliberative body” that withheld Obama’s third SCOTUS nominee which is under the same leadership today that it was back then. Whenever RepubliKKKlans are in the Senate majority there is no such thing as deliberative. It is where good progressive bills from the House go to die! F*** him and every other conservative f***tard! Welcome to stupid America!