F*** Me!

Indeed! Right on cue! The MSM was falling all over itself in awe of traitor trump’s “successful” return to pandemic briefings as noted by Stephen Collinson of CNN, “If Tuesday’s appearance was the start of a new period of exhaustive presidential attention on the pandemic, Trump may make a useful contribution as well as improve his political plight. But snap media reviews of a ‘change of tone’ and a ‘pivot’ by the President ignored his history of shattering scripted narratives with wild tweets and diversions in subsequent hours and days.” Naturally, one of those “snap media reviews” was pathetic-excuse-for-an-anchor Wolf Blitzer. Don’t get me started on only-somewhat-better Chuck Todd! Of course, they couldn’t wait to compliment him for his change of attitude toward wearing masks (a concession), an admission that things will get worse before it gets better (a near admission by traitor trump of having made a mistake), and for the briefing’s brevity (he stayed on message … oooo … ahhh … amazing!). All the while, I am rolling my eyes and my blood is boiling because these f***tards in the MSM always give this disaster of a moronic president the benefit of the doubt and accolades for doing the de minimis effort after failing over and over again. F*** me! I am so f***ing sick and tired of people giving him credit for eventually doing the right thing, especially in this cause. Eventually” has caused tens of thousands of lives and no one should be giving him credit for anything! Ever! Especially given he’ll undermine whatever he says days later. And the MSM will be surprised when that happens as if they have not been covering him for the last five years.

But wait! There’s more! I did not personally watch any of traitor trump’s briefing because when he speaks it hurts my ears and brain plus everything he says is a waste of time. Consequently, I had to wait until this morning to get the day after perspective once MSM stopped congratulating itself for congratulating the chief moron for staying on script. Of course, what was not mentioned in the coverage immediately following the briefing is what CNBC called out well, namely, “President Donald Trump said Tuesday that his administration is ‘in the process of developing a strategy’ to combat the coronavirus pandemic, adding that that plan of action has ‘developed as we go along.’” Seriously!?!? Are you f***ing kidding me? What the f***? Now!?!? Now, they are in the process of developing” a strategy — five-plus months into this disaster! I can’t! I just f***ing give up with this Scheiße-for-brains country! The MSM should be all over this admission that traitor trump really has no f***ing plan — still! — to address this killer pandemic, but no! As usual, the MSM is pathetic and feckless at their jobs!

We all deserve this! Seriously! A country of the dumbest people on the planet elected a celebrity reality TV star” who filed for bankruptcy five times to run The United States of America like a business! Allow me to repeat myself: a bunch of f***tards willingly elected a failed businessman to run the country like a business presumably in the same manner that led him to bankruptcy on five previous occasions. Yet, somehow these same morons expected traitor trump to be successful as president? Yup! This is what we get! F*** me! Welcome to trump stupid America. I expected nothing less from the morons of America! Who, I have no doubt, will do it all over again come November!