F*** Those Four RepubliKKKlans

From CNN, “While Tuesday’s vote largely fell along party lines — 235 Democrats voted ‘Yea’ and 187 Republicans voted ‘Nay’ — four Republicans and one independent voted in favor of the resolution.” Oh my f***ing God! If I have to hear one more f***ing Scheiße-for-brains newscaster laud these RepubliKKKlans for voting with Democrats then I’m going to go postal. I am beyond f***ing sick and tired of some RepubliKKKlans getting a pass for intermittent moments of clarity while everything else about them has perpetuated the environment the country is in right now. I am f***ing sick and tired of everyone thinking that one or two “good” votes by RepubliKKKlans somehow absolves them and their party of a long, long history of destroying America. Let’s just be really f***ing clear about something: every RepubliKKKlan (politician and voter) over the last 45+ years has contributed to this moment in history. None of these f***tards get a pass. RepubliKKKlans created the traitor trump / MAGA moron beast, and now they pretend they had nothing to do with their ascent. All RepubliKKKlans are guilty and deserve no forgiveness — full stop! Welcome to trump stupid America!