MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From The Guardian, “Facebook is the social network you hate; FACEBOOK is the company you didn’t know you loved.” LMFAO! Let me just say people who get their news from FACEBOOK are f***ing G.D. morons. In fact, I’d say most people on FACEBOOK are idiots. Just in case I need to be clear for an idiot reader: I’m not on FACEBOOK. I dumped that “addiction” after the 100th annoying request for me to join some f***ing game which apparently was all the rage that my “friends” were playing. Unbelievable. Yeah, it didn’t take long to realize the company had become a marketing assault weapon — of course, nothing is ever truly free. Unlike other morons, presumably, I don’t like being marketed at. It is the quickest way for me to dump or revolt against a product or brand, and FACEBOOK was one of those products; however, I guess a quarter of the world’s population don’t mind and that’s all part of the reason America has become the land of morons because social media has suddenly become a source of objective news. Americans are too stupid to understand that they are being marketed at in a pernicious way, and FACEBOOK condones making profits off of lies and deception in the name of “freedom of speech.” Hello, stupid people. Freedom of speech does not mean irresponsible speech or unconditional speech; it certainly does not mean that a company lacks the prerogative to monitor, regulate, and censor vituperative speech. Of course, right-wingers always seem to misunderstand the First Amendment because they are stupid people. The First Amendment prohibits the government from infringing on a person’s right to free speech in most cases — not all. These are “complicated” subtleties lost on MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. OMG! F*** me. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!