From Yahoo!News, “They voted for Donald Trump for president and for a change in the direction of the federal government. But this wasn’t the kind of change they had in mind. Laid off by the administration in recent days from their U.S. government jobs, the Trump voters expressed dismay at what they said has been an unfocused, counterproductive and callous slashing of the federal workforce. … ‘I was thinking that there would be changes,’ said a Department of Agriculture researcher in the mid-Atlantic region who studies drought- and pest-resistant crops. ‘But instead of being focused, this is just going completely off the rails, chopping and slicing up parts of the government that are protecting Americans.’ … Steward, who voted for Trump for president in three straight elections, said she believed job cuts would focus on early retirements and workers who underperformed. But she said she lost her job, helping military veterans and others understand their benefits, even though she was just in training and had met all her job requirements. … Steward said she had consistently voted as a Democrat but felt that, as a Black woman, the party had taken her vote for granted. She voted for Trump, hoping for change, in 2016, 2020 and last year. But she now feels Musk has helped lead the president astray.”
Praise Jesus! Praise him hard! I could add more quotations from this article, but I think you get the gist. I especially wanted to quote the n***** who voted for Dictator Don — three times! — and lost her job! Praise Jesus! I could not be happier! Now, I use the n-word sparingly, but it is a pejorative I reserve only for those supreme(-acist?) morons who vote against their best interests, those Black voters who are too stupid to apprehend that the RepubliKKKlan really is the party of racists! These idiots — above all — deserve to be hurt the worst, right behind poor white trash RepubliKKKlan voters. Needless to say, I have no sympathy for the plight they have brought upon themselves! I wish only the most devastating consequences for these people. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, you morons of the highest m*****f***ing order. Welcome to stupid America, proving daily that it can always reach a new nadir of stupidity. Praise Jesus!