Fear vs Joy (and Hope-y Change-y)

Anyone who follows Smerconish is familiar with his daily survey question. I’m clearly among the fear crowd on this question, as I’ve been trying to impart this wisdom in my writings, which morons of America clearly fail to heed. I will concede a great point that Smerconish made on this radio show as a counterfactual to this question that checked me: Obama won on hope and change. But then again, McCain was not running a campaign of fear in 2008, unlike traitor trump did in 2016 and now in 2024. So, I suppose one could say Biden won on hope and change? Eh, not so much. His campaign’s mantra was more a return to normalcy.

In 2024, two campaigns are in opposition: One based on fear and one on “joy.” Ugh! Yeah, we’re so f***ed. Fear trumps joy — every time. It’s the f***ing lizard brain. I can’t deal with this sh*t anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Once again, Democrats keep appealing to voters’ intellect, reasoning, and “sound” judgment when they should be honing in on people’s emotions. People vote with their emotions, not the grey matter between their ears. This has always been a fatal flaw of Democrats — assuming the average voter is enlightened. They’re not. Nowadays, people are informed by 30-second TikToks, 140-character Tweets, and YouTube “influencers” (aka DIY “journalists”), all of which lack the depth and sophistication to be trustworthy sources of information. RepubliKKKlans get the fear factor, and they will win because of it. But whatever! The end is coming (is here)! As I’ve been shouting for the last four years, Biden was always ever going to be the intermission to the end of our democracy. And no one f***ing cares. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to keep its democracy. Mark my words! Mark them well!