Feinstein returns to the Senate clearly diminished. I will be the first to admit that I called for her to resign, but that was before I learned any newly appointed replacement would still need RepubliKKKlan consent to fill Feinstein’s open seat on the Judiciary Committee. Now, I say bravo for her return, and I will go one step further: Keep her on life support until the next election cycle. I don’t f***ing care if they have to roll her in on a gurney, hooked up to I.V.s, and on oxygen with a defibrillator standing by just in case she needs to be revived. So long as she can cast her f***ing G.D. vote! I don’t care if she’s not in her right mind as long as she votes correctly on Biden’s judicial nominations. I don’t care if she has a whisperer by her side — ala Gríma — at every waking minute of her workday if that’s what it takes to keep her on track to vote for Biden’s judicial nominations. I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t f***ing care. The only thing that matters is that she remains alive — in whatever diminished capacity — to vote. Democrats cannot afford to make another RBG mistake! But I’m sure they will because I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!