Feral pigs! Children die for feral pigs, but not just any ole feral pigs. No! feral pigs that apparently must be taken out with an AR-15. According to the Insider, “Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy this week said that he thought people still needed assault weapons to kill ‘feral pigs,’ inadvertently echoing an old meme about gun control. … ‘If you talk to the people that own it, killing feral pigs in the, whatever, the middle of Louisiana. They’ll wonder: “Why would you take it away from me?”’ Cassidy told Vice. ‘I’m law abiding, I’ve never done anything, I use it to kill feral pigs. The action of a criminal deprives me of my right,’ the senator added.”
There you have it, f***tards! For the guns! For the feral pigs! But the pigs! Guns over pigs! Pigs over children! America is done. It’s just f***ing done. There is no f***ing way a country that elects a Senator more concerned about feral pigs than children can survive. It! Just! F***ing! Can’t! America is too stupid and too uninterested to save itself from itself. Oh, well. I know that I keep saying it, but the countless examples keep piling up, like dead children. If you have ever voted for a RepubliKKKlan, then you are a murderer. Full stop! No exceptions! Welcome to stupid America — a country overrun by feral pigs, including those with four legs.