It would appear that Allied nations are coming around to the notion of giving Ukraine fighter jets — finally. But, naturally, this is something that should have been considered and granted a year ago. As I have been saying from the beginning, this drip, drip “allowance” of weapons that NATO has been doling out every few months to Ukraine has been pathetic and an embarrassment to the West. One would think Ukraine apprehends what equipment they need to achieve victory, yet donor nations always hesitate to believe them. Eventually, they end up conceding, usually a day late and a dollar short. You name it. Tanks, air defense systems, and longer-range missiles have all been on Ukraine’s wish list of needed war materiel. And now, jets appear to be next. Imagine how much sooner this war could have been wrapped up with a Ukraine victory if the pusillanimous Allied nations actually grew a pair of f***ing testicles and gave Ukraine the sh*t it asked for when it asked for it instead of making up a bunch of B.S. excuses why they couldn’t provide said needed equipment. Such B.S. excuses include: Ukraine’s military is incompetent and not sophisticated enough to operate the West’s systems, we’re not “there” yet, let’s “wait and see,” we (the West) know better what you (Ukraine) need, and Russia might get mad, among others. All stupid excuses and all wrong.
Imagine the lives that could have been saved. The destruction of cities that could have been ameliorated if NATO acted timely and with confidence. But, no! NATO has been so preoccupied with not “offending” and “upsetting” Putin and Russia that they approached arming Ukraine gingerly when they should have plowed everything into Ukraine immediately rather than Zelenskyy having to spend months begging heads of state for help.