F***ing Sick of Red Country

According to CNN, “From President Donald Trump through Republican governors and state legislatures, the GOP is coalescing around a position of reopening the economy as quickly as possible despite concerns about seeding a wider spread of the coronavirus. But the party’s efforts face a paradoxical hurdle: The economy can’t regain much momentum without the participation of big Democratic-leaning metropolitan areas, where both local officials and average residents remain more skeptical about quickly unwinding social distancing measures.” What else is new? Red states always need the money generated from rich, blue counties and cities, just as red states are welfare takers from blue states more generally. It never f***ing fails. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always complain about the welfare that big government doles out to every unworthy person, apparently completely unaware that RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are those unworthy people receiving welfare from blue states. Because red states don’t like to tax then blue states need to overtax to make up for the federal funds that flow out of blues states and into red states. God! I am just so f***ing sick of these people. I wish they would just all f***ing die and let the blue states be as prosperous as we should be. But no! Conservatives do nothing but hold America back. Welcome to trump stupid America!