Finishing Last

From a CNN headline: “‘The Democratic base is angry as hell’: Cory Booker’s message of love falls flat.” Perfectly put! I have heard Booker’s campaign pitch a couple of times and all I can do is roll my eyes. There will always be those dumbass Democrats who don’t understand we are at DEFCON 1. Hello f***tards! Once again Booker is the example of a Democrat bringing a knife to a gun fight. Democrats don’t want a f***ing weak candidate that is telling everyone we should just all love each other (i.e., RepubliKKKlans) while MAGA morons literally write-up kill lists of Democrats and run over progressive protesters. If Booker is worried about coming off as an angry black man running for president then he should just step aside because the minimum I want from my Democratic presidential candidate is white-hot anger! Welcome to stupid America where nice guys do finish last.