
First, the Indictment; Next, the Civil War

Traitor trump has been indicted! I am shocked; I didn’t think it would happen at any level or in any jurisdiction. America has a long history of not holding its politicians, especially presidents, accountable. Yet, we are a long, long way from a conviction, and about that, I remain steadfast — it will never happen. The First Axiom will hold. I doubt any jury is willing enough to put their lives on the line to convict the traitor. And that brings me to my next point. Civil war is soon to be upon us.

Right on cue, every — and I mean every — RepubliKKKlan politician stands by traitor trump. And watch his poll numbers shoot up as a result! Because I live in stupid f***ing hell! No matter how bad, no matter what, they love him. They don’t care if he destroys the country, for, in fact, they really want the country to burn so they can rebuild it in their theocratic ideal. I say bring it! It is time for the actual majority (Democrats and Democratic-leaning citizens) to vanquish the minority. It is time to wipe the country clean of the conservative scum. They are more the enemy today than ever. Death to the enemy.