According to CNN, “Fitch Ratings downgraded its U.S. debt rating on Tuesday from the highest AAA rating to AA+, citing ’a steady deterioration in standards of governance.’ Explaining its rationale for the downgrade, Fitch pointed to ‘the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to “A.A.” and “AAA” rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.’ Fitch said the decision wasn’t just prompted by the latest debt ceiling standoff but rather ‘a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years’ regarding ‘fiscal and debt matters.’”
I am a little late commenting on this news, but I wanted to ensure I did. While Fitch is the least of the big three credit rating agencies (Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s being the other two), they seem to have the most reasonable and clear-eyed understanding of America. I find it laughable that titans of the economy — Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers economy and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, for example, both of whom have been very critical of Biden’s economy — are lambasting Fitch’s move. These two, in particular, have done nothing but b*tch that Biden’s administration has been behind the eight ball regarding inflation, and the Biden administration is spending too much money while focusing on the wrong segments of the economy (i.e., helping the middle class instead of giving tax cuts to the rich) — go figure! Despite all their complaining about Bidenomics, they’re shocked Fitch downgraded the nation’s credit rating. Moreover, Summers and Dimon criticize Fitch’s move by making the exact same arguments — the economy is strong and growing while inflation is coming to heel — they fault Biden for, namely, his policies are failing to achieve results. They, naturally, want it both ways — Biden’s policies suck for the economy, but the economy is raging hot. Unbelievable! But this is actually not the point of my post.
I am making the point that Fitch was right to downgrade the U.S. credit rating for all the correct reasons beyond the fiscal issues, for the debt and spending are not the only reasons. It is the deterioration of America to govern itself, which the likes of Summers and Dimon roundly dismiss as inconsequential. Not sure how these “geniuses” of finance can so easily ignore the elephant in the room. Who would want to invest in America’s economy if the government and our democracy are perpetually on the verge of imploding? (Do these morons really think capitalism works better under an authoritarian government? Just ask Russia. China may have a strong economy without democratic rule, but do capitalists Summers and Dimon realize that under China’s mode of communism, the government really owns everything, including profits, if they so desire.) So, you’re G.D. right America’s constant flirting with default, dysfunction, and dictatorship should factor into the nation’s creditworthiness. Only an idiot would ignore these added layers of risk. Yet, the people like Summers and Dimon are confused and perplexed by the Fitch downgrade. I think Fitch is more prescient than the rest of them. But what the f*** do I know? I’m just living in this hell like everyone else, but my eyes are actually wide open. Call me a realist. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!