F***king Farmers

AP reports, “’Farmers I talk to, I’ve been surprised they’re supportive as they are, but I think it’s starting to wane,’ he said. ‘I’ve personally been very frustrated with it. I think it’s just a lack of a coherent plan.’” Therein lies the problem: lack of a coherent plan. Farmers helped to put traitor trump in office and I have no sympathy for them. In fact, I think they need to be the backbone that must break to help get traitor trump out of office. I have no idea what these idiots were thinking when they thought a businessman who declared several bankruptcies actually knew what he was doing in the business world, let alone international trade. So, here we are in a situation where MAGA moron f***tards elected an idiot as president and now farmers are suffering because like everything in traitor trump’s life he is winging it! Seriously! He wakes up each daying wondering what show he can put on for the morons of America and nothing more. It is that simple. The f***tard voters elected a reality star president and now we are suffering through his version of permanent sweeps week. Well, I say the farmers are not suffering enough! The only way they will withhold voting for traitor trump again is when they are too broke and demoralized to care. Welcome to stupid America!