Flash in the Pan

Reporting from The Nation, “Michigan state Senator Mallory McMorrow made national headlines this week after tearing into Republicans who for months have been attacking school boards, teachers, communities, and political figures who champion fact-based and humane education about gender and race. … Instead of rolling her eyes at the absurdity of Theis’s outrageous claims and changing the topic, as Democrats so frequently do, McMorrow fought back. She read the riot act to Theis and the whole cabal of Republicans that seeks to score political points at the expense of students, teachers, and the truth. … When Democrats fail to object to Republican lies about the teaching of history that reflects on the role that slavery and segregation played in establishing systemic racism; when they fail to call out GOP promotion of ‘Don’t Say Gay’ laws; and when they fail to push back against conservative assaults on programs that support transgender and gender non-conforming youth, the Republican strategy wins.”

Mallory McMorrow’s toughness is precisely the stuff that dumbass Democrats need, but don’t worry! Democrats never learn. As I quote one last thought from the above article, John Nichlos understands, “Yet, even now, there are prominent Democrats who imagine they can avoid mounting a robust response to conservative treachery.” Her speech was a mere flash in the pan; Democrats will retreat to their timidity and weakness so enough, allowing RepubliKKKlans to walk all over them and dominate the political messaging. Welcome to stupid America!