
Flori-DUH People Love Their Dictator

According to Florida Politics, “For the moment, Florida voters still support the job Gov. Ron DeSantis is doing — including his war on Disney. New polling from the Florida Atlantic University Mainstreet PolCom Lab shows Floridians remain positive about DeSantis’ work as Governor. About 54% of voters say they approve of ‘the way Ron DeSantis is handling his job as Governor of Florida.’ A strong plurality, 41%, say they strongly approve. By comparison, 43% disapprove of his job performance, with 34% of voters strongly disapproving.” That poll is from July, and there is no reason to believe opinions have changed since.

Then there is this from Politico, “President Joe Biden is offering one of his White House challengers hundreds of millions of dollars to spend in his state. The only problem: that opponent is refusing to take it. The Inflation Reduction Act makes Florida eligible for some $350 million in energy efficiency incentives. But Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected the funding and other measures, creating the most prominent blockade by any Republican governor against Biden’s economic agenda. … Through a veto of his legislature’s request, DeSantis turned down $5 million to set up the rebate program for consumers who buy energy efficient appliances and retrofit their homes. It also effectively blocked $341 million to fund the program because the state would need the administrative money to apply for the program, according to people familiar with Florida’s budget process. However, federal Energy Department rules allow a state to accept the second pot of money even if they don’t take the first. If Florida doesn’t apply for the full $346 million by next August, the law allows DOE to provide Florida’s money to other states.”

Look, f***trads! This is what people want; this is what they voted for when they re-elected DeSantis, and they love him for it because why not? People love their a**hole dictator governor who makes their lives worse as long as the gays are punished. Make no mistake, idiots! This is an intentional snub to own the libs and Biden at the expense of Flori-DUH residents (as well as any other red state refusing to participate in the IRA programs). And one wonders why idiots of America can’t seem to feel the economic benefits of Biden’s policies and legislation. It’s all part of the plan by RepubliKKKlans to evince morons of America that Biden has failed on the economy. Yet, people eat up conservatives’ B.S. hook, line, and sinker no matter how much Biden touts (repeatedly) the strong economy. People are too dumb not to believe their lying eyes. Moreover, Americans’ dim view of Biden’s success regarding the economy is just more proof that f***tard voters always punish Democrats for cleaning up RepubliKKKlans’ (traitor trump’s) economic and fiscal messes. It never f***ing fails! Every f***ing time! Welcome to stupid America! I give up!